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12Jan 2017

If I Had A DUI And It Was Continued And Eventually Dismissed Will It Show Up When I Apply For Jobs?

Let's say you made a mistake and had a DUI charge brought against you. Let's also say it happened in a state where you were given a continuance and then after a period of time the charge was dismissed. Now let's say you are applying for a job with a new employer and you are wondering if they are going to find out about your DUI. This is an interesting question in that the answer is maybe. If a criminal background check is pulled and, having had the charge dismissed, it would not show up as you having a criminal history. That being said, if your employer decides to pull a driving record, it most likely will show up as part of your driving record. If you have had any criminal complaints made against you in the past and are considering applying for a job, talk to us about the impact it may have on your application and what steps we can help assure you have the best chance to get your new position.